ಈ ಪೂರ್ವನಾಮವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪುಟಗಳು
- da
- dab
- daban
- dabble
- dabilio
- dabodaboka
- dabolera
- dacoit
- dacoity
- dactylogyrus
- dad
- dadaka
- daddy
- dadina
- daffodil
- dafo
- daft
- daga
- dagat
- dagger
- dahaga
- dahlia
- daika
- daille
- daily
- daily balance
- daily bread
- daily labour
- daily register
- daily report
- daily wage
- daily wage work
- daily wage worker
- dainty
- dairy
- dairy department
- dairy farm
- dairy industry
- dairy product
- dairy production
- dairy products
- dais
- daka
- dakwat
- dal
- dalaboboka
- dalazy
- dale
- dalen
- dalga
- dalia
- daliri
- dallineb
- dally
- dallying
- dalğa
- dam
- damage
- damage and loss
- dambis
- dame
- dame fortune
- damit
- damm
- dammen
- damn
- damnation
- damning
- damning evidence
- damo
- damp
- damp proof
- damp smell
- damp squib
- dampen
- damper
- dampness
- damsel
- dana
- dance
- dance teacher
- dancer
- dancing
- dancing house
- dandle
- dandling
- dandruff
- dandy
- danger
- danger signal
- dangerous
- dangle
- dango
- dangtis
- dangus
- dank
- dapper
- dapple
- dar ağacı
- darağacı
- darbaspēks
- darbo
- dare
- dare devil
- daredevil
- daresay
- daring
- daring act
- dark
- dark-blue
- dark-red
- dark ages
- dark black
- dark continent
- dark current
- dark glasses
- dark hair
- dark horse
- dark lantern
- dark night
- dark room
- dark skinned person
- dark star
- darken
- darkness
- darkness (after sunset)
- darkness during day
- darling
- darn
- darning
- daronambolo
- darondarona
- darony
- dart
- das Auto
- dash
- dash against
- dashboard
- dashing
- dashuri
- dastard
- data
- data channel
- data entry operator
- data processing
- data recovery
- database
- date
- date of birth
- date of posting
- date stamp
- date tree
- datotek
- datoteka
- datuk
- datum
- datura
- daub
- daughter
- daughter-in-law
- daunt
- dauntless
- dawdle
- dawl
- dawn
- day
- day-after-tomorrow
- day-before-yesterday
- day-to-day
- day and night
- day book
- day by day
- day dreamer
- day labourer
- day off
- day school
- daybook
- daybreak
- daydream
- daylight
- daylight robbery
- daytime
- daze
- dazzingly red
- dazzle
- daş
- de facto
- de jure
- de novo
- de sticlă
- dead
- dead account
- dead body
- dead body smell
- dead end
- dead language
- dead lanugage
- dead letter
- dead letter office
- dead loans
- dead loss
- dead on
- dead soil
- dead stock
- dead tree
- dead weight
- dead wood
- deaden
- deadhouse
- deadline
- deadlock
- deadly
- deadly disease
- deadly poison
- deadly weapons
- deaf
- deaf-aid
- deaf ear
- deaf female
- deaf mute
- deaf person
- deafen
- deafness
- deal
- deal a blow
- deal with
- dealer
- dean
- dear
- dearness
- dearness allowance
- dearth
- death
- death adder
- death bed
- death blow
- death cum retirement gratuity
- death duty
- death rate
- death sentence
- death warrant
- deathbed
- deathblow
- debacle
- debaka
- debar
- debase
- debasement
- debatable
- debatable matter
- debate
- debauch
- debauchee
- debaucher
- debauchery
- debenture
- debesis
- debilitate
- debility
- debit
- deboka
- debonair
- debris
- debt
- debt charge
- debt of honour
- debtor
- debut
- decade
- decadence
- decadent
- decagon
- decalcification
- decamp
- decant
- decapitate
- decapitation
- decapitator
- decapoda
- decay
- decayed
- decayed produce
- deccan hemp
- decease
- deceased
- decedent
- deceit
- deceitful
- deceitful laughter
- deceitful talk
- deceitful war
- deceive
- deceiver
- deceleration
- decency
- decennial
- decent
- decentralization
- deception
- decide
- deciduous
- decimal
- decimal point
- decimal system
- decimetre
- decision
- decisive
- deck
- declaim
- declamation
- declarant
- declaration
- declaratory
- declaratory decree
- declaratory judgment
- declare
- declination
- decline
- decline in strength
- declivity
- decoct
- decoction
- decode
- decompose
- decomposition
- decompress
- decontrol
- decorate
- decorated
- decoration
- decorum
- decoy
- decoy-ox
- decrease
- decrease heat
- decreasing
- decree
- decree holder
- decrepit
- decry
- decumbent
- decuple
- decuplet
- ded
- dedadeda